Hello! I'm Andrew.

I am a recent BS Aerospace Engineering graduate from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. My ambition is to advance the development of space exploration, pushing humanity to the stars.

At Georgia Tech I have worked with several research labs in the AE department, at SSDL designing underground radar obstacle avoidance for NASA, and at ASDL architecting spacecraft using model-based systems engineering. I have been a leader in school projects, including managing my senior design Mars orbiter team, and working on the 1st place model aircraft of the SAE Aero-Design Competition.

Outside the classroom, I was a design engineering intern on UAS ground systems for STRAX Intelligence, and was an application engineering intern at aerospace instrumentation supplier Aerogear Telemetry. Most recently, I was selected for a NASA early-career program, developing proposal for a new lunar resource operations technology.

Please check out these projects in more detail and others like them on my site!